SEHA was founded in 2012 with the sole purpose of helping people by providing virtually free primary medical care. We aim to eliminate disease in neglected areas. We believe that in order to make a real and lasting difference in people’s lives, education and awareness are crucial.
With a diverse patient base ranging from new-borns to 80 years old, SEHA aims to impact the entire community, not only those needing immediate medical attention. This is done virtually free for all patients, including free medicines. We also bring relief through our OPD clinics, and specialized care to individuals with conditions that have been worsened by malnutrition, poor living conditions and the absence of vaccinations.
How would you feel if your child fell seriously ill and you couldn’t afford medical treatment? What if you were losing your eyesight due to cataracts but couldn’t afford the surgery? These are some of the problems that millions of people in Pakistan living below the poverty line have to face every day. These are the people who are in desperate need of your help.”
Your donations go directly to the cost of treating patients through the provision of qualified doctors, medicines and the facilitation of eye surgeries in some of the poorest localities. 85% of our patients are zakat eligible, ranging from newborns to elderly, most of whom are women and children. Please click the link below for more details:
- SEHA runs purely on donations. We have donors in many countries who contribute on a regular basis through Sadaqa and Zakah money. We have renowned Islamic scholars on our advisory panel to provide guidance on how to use the Zakah funds in accordance with the rules of Shariah